Tutorial Memasak Pancake Cream Coklat

Tutorial Memasak Pancake Cream Coklat – Too late for breakfast, but not too early to eat a dish typical Sundanese Eating Like a Native. Yup! Sundanese restaurants are legendary and famous throughout the world, or at least the entire Bandung me, hehe.

Dish lined-display here at the table at the front of the house eating, so once entered immediately greeted with a grain that looks tempting appetite, so a reasonable then go directly to queue to get his Sundanese dish special.

Wide dish lined crispy fried tempeh with savory taste right, bakwan bakwan corn and shrimp, jerked obese, and various kinds of intestinal offal, tripe, and lung, fried tofu, pepes intestine, spiced mushroom, daaaaannn … sambalnya steady course!

Sauces are a little sweeter than the chili-sauce ever attempted. But still, a tinge of sense pedesnya not hold back! Sweet blend pedess his dess dess very tempting, even until nahan pedesnya want to cry. Because if the sauce does not taste less gimanaaaa pedes so yes, hehe …

Special flavors presented here of course because spice blend of the owner, who really love you if passed fit to Bandung! Moreover, the price offered relatively cheap, so there is not a reason to stop by and enjoy a special dish.